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22 October 2021

Future Proofing Internal Audit

Coping with change and challenges -strategy for the internal auditor

23 September 2021

Internal audit planning priorities 2022

An annual update looking at new areas of focus and internal audit's ongoing agile response to the changes and challenges faced by the Industry

30 June 2021

Internal Audit’s role in supporting insurance firms’ climate change strategies

Climate change and prudential risks - PRA's expectations

09 June 2021

Regulatory priorities and outlook post Brexit

How will Brexit change the way UK regulation functions over the next two years? What are the regulatory priorities through and after the Covid-19 crisis?

14 April 2021

Auditing Agile - Moving with the times

How can Internal Audit understand and adapt to the process of agile auditing whilst still delivering the insight and control that the business needs?

17 March 2021

Has Covid-19 defined a “new normal” for cyber security?

The impact of Covid on cyber security - lessons learnt and unexpected benefits

23 February 2021

The challenges of managing insurance claims in a Covid world

Covid and claims - how have they been adapted to cope with its impact?

16 December 2020

From prominence to prison - how and why do successful professionals fall from grace – Part II

A update from the very successful presentation given in December 2019

02 December 2020 - 02 December 2020

Financial Crime Update

An update on developments in the world of financial crime

18 November 2020

Operational and Cyber Resilience and Internal Audit

A review of the recent Building operational resilience: impact tolerances for important business services Consultation, the principles, proposals and implications for internal audit

04 November 2020

Raising the bar in Risk Management

The latest update on the successes and challenges of implementing the Risk Coalitions guidance and it’s progress towards raising the bar in Risk Management