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29 September 2020

17 October 2024 - 18 October 2024

De Vere Wokefield Estate, Reading

The Next Chapter - IIAG's Eleventh Conference

Internal auditors and risk assurance professionals are constantly needing to revise their skills to keep pace with the challenges that organisations are facing. Join us to look at new changes and to debate how we can prepare to meet and embrace them.

23 February 2021

The challenges of managing insurance claims in a Covid world

Covid and claims - how have they been adapted to cope with its impact?

13 September 2019

Deloitte, London

September 2019 Quarterly Seminar

Quarterly seminar focusing on current issues in the world of Internal Audit

21 September 2018

Deloitte, London

September 2018 Quarterly Seminar

Quarterly update of current topical issues

29 September 2017

Deloitte, London

September 2017 Quarterly Seminar

The September Seminar will take place on Friday 29 September at Deloitte's New Street Square offices. Topics under discussion will included Hot Topics and Planning Priorities for 2018, Coverholder and Delegated Authority Audits, the Data Governance Framework: What is it, could you already have one and how do you audit it? The Seminar will conclude with an update from the Good Practice Development Group.

09 September 2016

Deloitte, London

September 2016 Seminar

A quarterly review of current internal audit topics and issues of interest to include planning ideas for 2017, Brexit and recent changes in insurance legislation

11 September 2015

Deloitte, London

September 2015 Seminar

A quarterly review of current internal audit topics and issues of interest to include co-sourcing and the tax audit, reconciling technical innovation with data protection and GPDG update

13 September 2013

Deloitte, London

September 2013 Seminar

Quarterly seminar focusing on current issues including product governance, external Quality Assurance and auditing co-sourcing

09 June 2021

Regulatory priorities and outlook post Brexit

How will Brexit change the way UK regulation functions over the next two years? What are the regulatory priorities through and after the Covid-19 crisis?

04 November 2020

Raising the bar in Risk Management

The latest update on the successes and challenges of implementing the Risk Coalitions guidance and it’s progress towards raising the bar in Risk Management

09 June 2023

Deloitte, London

Quarterly Seminar 9 June 2023

Join us at the June Quarterly Seminar to hear speakers discuss Consumer Duty (practical considerations for assurance review), sanctions compliance and the psychology of auditing. The event will finish with an update from the GPDG on its recent IA Department Survey.