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June 2015 Seminar

5 June 2015

9.30 am - 13.15 pm

A quarterly review of current internal audit topics and issues of interest to include a NED's perspective, senior management responsibilities and emerging risk and disruptive technology

  • A NED’s Perspective

Chris Hanks

  • Senior Management Responsibilities for Insurers

Kelwin Nicholls - Clifford Chance

  • Emerging Risk and Disruptive technology

Ruth Middleton- EY

  • An update from the Good Practice Development Group



Stonecutter Court

2 New Street Square

Greater London


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Speakers Profiles

Chris Hanks


Former CII Chairman Chris Hanks has a non-executive portfolio that includes the National Security Inspectorate, Jelf Insurance Brokers Plc, Purple Partnerships, the Fire Protection Association and Liberty Speciality Markets. Chris began his career as an underwriter in casualty and property insurance and became General Manager of Allianz Insurance’s commercial operations in the UK. Prominent within the insurance market, Chris has been an FSA Approved Person for 15 years and has held executive an

Ruth Middleton

Senior Manager




Ruth has over 10 years' experience in financial services and specialises in risk appetite, business planning, disruptive technology, and emerging risks. She holds a PhD from Cambridge University and worked at Imperial College, London, in semiconductor research before moving to financial services and obtaining an MBA at London Business School. Ruth joined EY in May 2014.

Kelwin Nicholls


Clifford Chance



Kelwin Nicholls is a partner at Clifford Chance who represents and advises clients in relation to various aspects of regulatory compliance, as well as investigations and disputes.