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General Data Protection Regulation - 40 days to go [ Registered Users only ]

1804 kb

Event : March 2017 Seminar Speaker(s): Vincent Rezzouk- Hammachi.
Date produced : 03/03/2017

Whistle blowing update [ Registered Users only ]

256 kb

Event : March 2017 Seminar Speaker(s): Neville Cotton. Annabel Mackay.
Date produced : 03/03/2017

Cyber Risk - an underwriter's perspective [ Registered Users only ]

689 kb

Event : March 2017 Seminar Speaker(s): Paul Bantick.
Date produced : 03/03/2017

GPDG - Solvency II Project Update [ Registered Users only ]

3248 kb

Event : March 2017 Seminar Speaker(s): Rob Langridge. Patience Ogunona.
Date produced : 03/03/2017

Data Analytics -Good Practice Development Group [ Registered Users only ]

540 kb

An update on the Group's project including the results of the survey, the success stories and challenges of using data analytics

Event : December 2016 Seminar Speaker(s): Emma Howard.
Date produced : 02/12/2016

Internal Audit for Pillar 3 Reporting [ Registered Users only ]

893 kb

The types of disclosures that are included within Solvency II pillar 3 reporting, including the reporting to date and what is required to be covered by external audit. Highlighting some of the challenges within the reporting including future reductions in timescales. This was then brought together to consider how internal audit could give senior management comfort that the reporting (which will be subject to little external little external audit) has been properly controlled and is accurate.

Event : December 2016 Seminar Speaker(s): Neil Coulson.
Date produced : 02/12/2016

Robotics, and the challenges faced by Internal Audit [ Registered Users only ]

1847 kb

Insurers are just beginning to see the benefits of robotics in enabling them to deliver faster, consistently, and in a more cost efficient manner. This will impact on the control environment, both in terms of introducing new controls and removing redundant controls. Internal Audit needs to understand the impact on the business, and look to leverage the advantages of robotics in their own operations.

Event : December 2016 Seminar Speaker(s): Martin Skipsey. David Sooby.
Date produced : 02/12/2016

CIIA Code Review Survey- Summary [ Registered Users only ]

687 kb

Summarised results from the November survey

Event : December 2016 Seminar
Date produced : 02/12/2016

CIIA Code Review Survey - Detailed Narrative Responses [ Registered Users only ]

257 kb

Detailed responses to individual questions

Event : December 2016 Seminar
Date produced : 02/12/2016

Hot Topics & Planning Priorities for 2017 [ Registered Users only ]

825 kb

An overview of planning priorities for 2017

Event : September 2016 Seminar Speaker(s): Matt Cox.
Date produced : 09/09/2016

Brexit – where do we go from here? [ Registered Users only ]

2147 kb

A look at the latest developments, key concerns across the market and how firms are responding to those concerns, as well as the themes around potential new operating models starting to emerge.

Event : September 2016 Seminar Speaker(s): Sian Hill. Amir Sethu.
Date produced : 09/09/2016

Legislation update – observations and insights [ Registered Users only ]

1387 kb

The background to, and the legal and practical effects on insurers of the Insurance Act 2015, the Enterprise Act 2016, and the changes to the Third Party (Rights Against Insurers) Act 2010.

Event : September 2016 Seminar Speaker(s): Andrew Bandurka.
Date produced : 09/09/2016