- Risk in Focus 2019: Hot Topics for Internal Auditors
- Liz Sandwith – Chief Professional Practice Advisor – CIIA
A review of the CIIA's latest Risk in Focus publication - Hot Topics for Internal Auditors - a collaboration based on surveys and interviews of Chief Audit Executives from seven European CIIA territories. Liz will share the findings and conclusions and discuss some of the key themes found to be relevant across these industries and territories.
- Agile Internal Auditing
- Derek Davidson – Director – Agile in Audit
Derek will provide a professional Agile Coach and Consultant’s view of Agile Internal Audit, and how it is being applied in Financial Services
- Leading and Aligning a Global Audit Function
- Herve Gloaguen – Global Head of Internal Audit - Allianz
Herve will discuss how to align audit practices, achieve consistency in audit opinions, steer and monitor the overall audit activity from planning through to reporting and follow up. The session will also focus on the Quality Assurance framework, looking at how to hire, train and consistently develop the audit community across the globe and examine if a decentralized organization or a central global function is preferable.
- GPDG update
- Choong Kwan - Technology Audit - XL Catlin
- Kate Taylor - Senior Internal Auditor – Vitality UK